About Us

Our History

Chirayu understands that true well-being encompasses physical health, education, economic stability, and social support.

Who We Are ?

Chirayu Jan Kalyan Samiti, often referred to simply as “Chirayu,” is a non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare and well-being of individuals and communities. Our name, “Chirayu,” embodies our commitment to promoting longevity and eternal life, not just in terms of survival but in thriving. Founded by a group of passionate individuals who shared a common vision for positive change, Chirayu has grown into a dynamic force for good. Our journey began with a simple belief: that by nurturing well-being and empowering communities, we could transform lives.

Our Mission

At Chirayu Jan Kalyan Samiti, our mission is to foster inclusive societies where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. We strive to break the cycle of poverty, promote education, enhance healthcare access, protect the environment, and advocate for human rights. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to empower individuals and communities to build brighter futures.

Our Vission

We envision a world where every person has access to basic necessities, quality education, healthcare, and the opportunity to reach their full potential. We believe that by fostering sustainable development and empowering communities, we can create lasting change that not only benefits individuals but also strengthens societies as a whole.

Our Approach

At Chirayu Jan Kalyan Samiti, we believe in a collaborative and holistic approach to address complex social challenges. We work closely with local communities, governments, partner organizations, and volunteers to ensure our programs are culturally sensitive, sustainable, and impactful. By actively involving stakeholders and leveraging their expertise, we strive to create solutions that address the specific needs and aspirations of the communities we serve.

Come work with us

We believe that quality healthcare is a basic human right. Chirayu organizes medical camps, provides free check-ups

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes